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About Nursing

St. Joseph’s school of Nursing, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Baramulla is also under the administration of the Franciscan sister’s of Mary. In order to improve the health care system of the valley the hospital commenced the school of Nursing for Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery (ANM) course. It was recognized by the State of Jammu and Kashmir on 21st February1968. It is continued as Female Multipurpose Health Worker (FMPHW) course since 1978. In 2010 we started General Nursing and Midwifery course (GNM). In 2018 the school started GNM-LE that is of 2 yrs course. We try to give our students an all-round education and experience; thus we endeavour to collaborate with the National Aim to reduce morbidity and mortality through promotive, preventive and curative services.
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As a centre par-excellence in Nursing Education we are geared towards preparation of creative, caring, competent and dedicated Nursing Professionals to meet the needs of the society as an expression of Christian concern for the sick and suffering.


WE BELIEVE that the basic function of St. Joseph’s School of Nursing is to educate young women in the art, science and spirit of Nursing, in order to prepare them to serve both in the hospital set-up and in the rural / urban community.
WE FIRMLY ADHERE to a Christian ethical code, believing in the sacredness of human life and the dignity of the person from the moment of conception until death.
WE RECOGNISE that the unique function of a nurse as defined by the International Council of Nurses is to assist the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health or to its recovery or to a peaceful death, that she would perform unaided if she had the necessary strength, will or knowledge and to do this in such a way as to help the individual to gain independence as rapidly as possible.
WE HAVE A HOLISTIC CONCEPT OF HEALTH which is based on definition of the World Health Organization (WHO). Health is a state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity.
WE ACCEPT that all nursing education should be dynamic and open to new ideas as new scientific discoveries are made in the field of health and new concepts are evolved in the behavioural sciences.
WE AIM AT developing a nurse who is motivated by the love of God and neighbour and has a mature intellectual judgment, moral enlightenment and professional efficiency so that she will be capable of giving comprehensive nursing care to the sick and injured and can function effectively especially in a hospital and community setting.

Objectives Of Nursing Educational Programme

Animated by and imbued with, Christian principles, St.Joseph’s School of Nursing aims at achieving the following objectives:
  • Instilling and developing in the students an aptitude for nursing, providing them with necessary knowledge and skills for delivering comprehensive nursing care to patients / families.
  • Developing a team spirit by working with other members of the health team in the promotion of health, prevention of illness, restoration of health and alleviation of suffering.
  • Creating in the students an awareness of the unique nature of each individual, considering her as a person, as part of a family unit and as a member of society at large.
  • Awakening in the students a desire to serve our country today and orienting them to an awareness of the health needs of the rural population and their own role in working to meet these needs.
  • Developing in the students, qualities of personal, intellectual, and professional leadership and also decision-making abilities in varying situations, as well as skills in teaching and management.
  • Stimulating a desire for further study in the advanced fields of the nursing profession.